Use Social Media & Tech Tools To Massively Grow Your Business, Income & Influence

Learn How From Master Connector Ken Walls

Use Social Media & Tech Tools To Massively Grow Your Business, Income & Influence

Learn How From Master Connector Ken Walls

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Social Media Trainer

Want to learn how I have used social media to grow my businesses and circle of influence? I offer social media training, consulting and coaching for individuals and organizations to help them grow their personal and/or business brands online.

If you are tired of being frustrated and/or overwhelmed by all of the possibilities that social media offers, let's talk! I can help you!

Personal Advisor

We all need an advisor. Why struggle when we can benefit from learning from someone who has gone before us and already tackled the challenges and opportunities we face today. It is imperative that we find the right fit, though. I know I cannot help everyone, but I am 100% sure I can help most. I have battled through challenges in business and in life.

Find an advisor that will help you come up with a plan, implement that plan and hold you accountable.


Whether a small group or large conference, my goal is always to bring value to my audience. By interacting with the attendees and engaging them in the topic, each session becomes alive with rich perspective and diverse points of view. Every presentation is unique and those in attendance leave with tactics they can implement that day. Topics include: social media

success, mindset, decision making, connections and networking and accountability.

Tech Advisor

It is hard to run a business and stay on top of all of the latest tech needed to excel in today's market. There are things out there that can streamline your business, save you time and money. Having someone on speed dial, not only when things go wrong but also to stay ahead can mean the difference between massive growth and stagnation. I am constantly testing and reviewing the latest technology to help my clients' understand where to best invest their time and money.

helping people win more!

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For a long time in my life, I would win for a bit, then lose again. It was an exhausting, frustrating roller coaster. My personal life, my business was not what I wanted or where I wanted it to be. I had lots of goals, I just couldn't quite get there. Speakers and business leaders I followed (and still greatly respect) seemed to have all the answers, but I still struggled. I needed something more, but I didn't know what.

In business, I was successful, often, in spite of myself. Looking back, my journey as an entrepreneur started in elementary school. I bought gum and candy at the store and sold it to kids for double what I paid so I could buy the things I wanted. My business ventures as a child led me to a successful sales career that had me making more money right out of high school than my former teachers, some of them told me I would amount to nothing.

My childhood had been filled with a lot of pain and volatility. Those experiences caused me a lot of problems as an adult. Addiction, bad habits and unhealthy relationships, both business and personal numbed the pain of the past. I was blind to it for a long time. Then, my personal breakthrough came. Everything changed for me because I surrendered. I put in the work to become a better human and then set out on a mission to help others do the same!

It is now my mission to help others have their breakthrough. You can overcome trauma, loss, addiction, a failing business, hardships and find joy, confidence, recovery and success. I have done it, and you can, too. The first step is to believe in yourself and go for it. You can do anything to put your mind to....literally.


I founded Client Solution Innovations, a digital marketing, Web development and social media firm in 2007 after spending years immersed in the tech world and on the Internet. Today, we help businesses communicate effectively to grow and prosper.

I have taken the tragedies and triumphs of my life and used them to better understand people and know how to help someone overcome, expand and flourish in their life and in business. I even wrote a #1 bestselling book about it called "Walls of Wisdom: Turning Pain Into Profit."

I have had the honor of working and consulting with some amazing business owners and celebrities around the world. I am honored that some of my clients have chosen to share their experience working with me.​




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Breakthrough Walls - The Podcast

In Breakthrough Walls, I interview some of the most successful entrepreneurs today in a show that celebrates the journey of starting and growing a successful business and/or career. In each episode, I give you the opportunity to listen to these business and community leaders and learn how they got started, overcame challenges, rose to success and continue to impact those around them by giving back. Every episode is packed with inspiring stories of overwhelming resilience, crowning achievements and continual gratitude.​

With more than 400 episodes, there is something for everyone.

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